Avalon Claire Priestley

Avalon Claire Priestley

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Skin Care Routine

Everyone is different and everyone's skin types are different so knowing what products to use that will suit you best my be a complete nightmare to find.

I find that www.boots.com is fantastic when it comes to finding something you need for your skin. Another great place for skincare i find is www.lush.co.uk They also have some fantastic products.

I know this may sound crazy but if you want your skin to look THE BEST it will need to be cleaned EVERYDAY. It can be tiring and exhausting and you might think... but that dries my skin out. The reason for the dryness is because you are not using the correct moisture to put back into the skin.

My skin type is combo skin. I can get extremely oily when yano... aunt flow visits but then when winter comes my skin starts to feel like sandpaper. So this is what i use to get my skin feeling its best and make up ready.

Firstly I will splash my face with WARM water... this allows your pores to open up.

Secondly i use :
Laura Mercier Facial Polish

Now that is quite a pricey facial scrub but i have found cheaper alternatives such as Soap and Glory's facial Scrub. 

The difference between these two are texture and of course price however both do pretty much the same thing.

Once you have exfoliated your face its time to CLOSE THOSE PORES, what you need to do is rinse off what is on your face then splash your face with COLD water, that will allow your pores to close and help not let in dirt. 

Thirdly - Cleanse, what cleanser you use is entirely up to you but again please click my link for the boots website and you will find what you are looking for there. I use 

This is a very affordable option too. Cleansing allows the face to soak up lost moisture from exfoliation. Whilst cleansing you may notice your skin becomes red or sore this is due to unbalancing of your PH levels in this skin so what you will need for this is our last step.

Lastly - TONE, Toning is going to be your most important part, what this does, it allows your skin to restore its PH balance that you lost from the previous steps. Again choice of toner is up to you, however i do use:


I hope you have found this post useful as i know a lot of people can be confused as to why skincare is important. Your skin goes through so many changes and its all about restoring what is lost. You can finish these steps by using a deep moisturizer, night creams, eye creams and just simple creams, however that is just up to you but these are the basic steps.

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