Avalon Claire Priestley

Avalon Claire Priestley

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Positive Mind = Positive Outcome

 Being positive sometimes may feel like the hardest thing to do when you are going through a hard time. 

I have dealt with many ups and downs in my life and after much time of "soul searching" i know that when you think positive, you attract positive things.

The biggest problem with the world is the idea of how things are "suppose" to be. This is what the world has made us believe is right. Love, work, family ... ect. The only thing that makes this world work is love and if you have love you have passion.

Iv worked in quite a few jobs where i felt so down and miserable and thought i would never be able to be happy but i read a book called " The power " ( i will link down below where to buy ), this book is a sequel to " The Secret". Someone told me to read this and it will change my life and at the time i did not really have anything to lose. This book did change my life and i have become richer... not in the sense of money but emotions and happiness. I still have my bad days but if you cut out what is bad in your life and the things that hold no value to you, you will start to realize that things will start to get better.

If you struggle with money and finances, which is probably the biggest factor in stress related illnesses, there are ways to sort out your finances. They may not be ideal solutions but if you take an hour our your day and type into google " finance solutions" you can see that there are many options.

Love, another great stress in life " finding the one " , everyone is on the same hunt to find that special somebody to spend their life with. So many people around i have seen get hurt or betrayed by someone they thought was "the one" truth is .... how will we ever know. We have to live in the moment and know our self worth. If you have doubt in your head or heart, your answer is there. You may feel trapped and that you cant leave. YOU CAN, trust me YOU CAN. Not easily but trust me when i say this... THINGS WILL ALWAYS GET BETTER, You also may feel like you have no one around to support you but you do. Don't think because this one doesn't work out you will never find love... because my mum always said... you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince. Its not an easy ride going through those tough emotions but they are making you stronger for the next encounter.

Family, some people find it so hard to get on with loved ones and just because they are family by blood does not mean they are family by heart. Fortunately for me i have a great close family but does not mean we don't fight. Do not ever feel like you cannot walk away from someone if they make your life toxic. 

This post was an impulse blog because i know there are so many people going through different problems everyday and i hope this can inspire you to make that big decision.

IF IT DOES'NT MAKE YOU HAPPY....... walk away.

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